행위자(Actor), 대상(Object), 행위(Verb)를 중심으로 구성된 e러닝 표준규격으로 데이터를 수집


xAPI로 수집된 학습경험, 활동 및 성과에 대한 데이터를 저장하고 시각화하기 위한 어플리케이션 인터페이스


수집된 정형, 비정형 데이터로 부터 Data Lake/Data Warehouse 를 구축하여 가치를 추출하고 결과를 분석


M/L, D/L등을 통한 학습분석을 통하여 개인 맞춤형 추천학습 및 AI튜터링 솔루션을 제공


xAPI takes instructional design out of the SCORM box and enables a whole range of possibilities for the learning solutions you create.

Learning Design Transformed

How does the Experience API work?

  • People learn from interactions with other people, content, and beyond. These actions can happen anywhere and signal an event where learning could occur. All of these can be recorded with the Experience API.
  • When an activity needs to be recorded, the application sends secure statements in the form of “Noun, verb, object” or “I did this” to a Learning Record Store (LRS).
  • Learning Record Stores record all of the statements made. An LRS can share these statements with other LRSs. An LRS can exist on its own, or inside an LMS.

Expanding LRSs into Learning Analytics Platforms (LAPs)

Many LRSs have expanded beyond simply storing xAPI data and now include functionality that helps users make use of the xAPI data stored. Those expanded services go beyond the core definition of an LRS to enable a range of capabilities that might include reporting dashboards, learning analytics, recommendation engines and more. LRSs that do more than simply store data are oftentimes called “learning analytics platforms” or LAPs.”

The new world of xAPI

xAPI enables the creation of products that enable you to do the things conference speakers have been saying for years that we should do, but we couldn’t because we didn’t have the tools to make it practical. Some learning technologists are predicting, for example, that as Virtual Reality becomes a consumer grade technology with a price tag to match, we’ll see a huge growth of virtual reality within learning technology, similar to the growth previously seen with mobile learning. Tracking learning experiences utilising this and other new technologies will rely on xAPI.

Analytics design

Learning analytics design is an emerging field within learning technologies. Where SCORM reports tend to be relatively simple, the range of data sources available to a xAPI-powered analytics tool means that quite complex analytics reports are now available to answer important business questions. Analytics design is needed to find and answer these questions.

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